
目前顯示的是 7月, 2013的文章

Fast Fact - Korean

Fast Fact - Korean There are a pproximately 78 million people speak Korean worldwide, but d id you know that today's Korean script wasn't introduced until the 1400s and that until then, 70% of Korean used to be derived from Chinese? Or that as recently as 20 years ago, Chinese characters (" hanja ") were still very common in Korean newspapers? These and other nuggets are contained in an informative video on the use of Chinese Characters in Korean writing, produced by Steven Bammel. While the production value is pretty low, the content is informative and well-presented. If you are interested in other Chinese language facts, check out our recent post on  Fast Fact Chinese . Spear translation  provides Korean translation  services to clients worldwide.  Contact us  to know more about Spear!


翻譯是一門擁數千年歷史的科學 許多語言學家早就指出, 翻譯 不僅是一種技巧、一種藝術,而且還是一門科學。很多學英語的人,在翻譯英語句子時常犯一種通病,就是硬譯、死譯、逐字對譯。也就是說,拘泥於原文的表層意思,拘泥於原文詞彙的表層結構。這樣翻譯出來的句子艱澀生硬,沒有一點美感,甚至詞不達意。 對於一個初學外語的人來說,聽、說、讀、寫、譯五項技能缺一不可,而且相互關聯。學外語最要的不是死記硬背,硬記生詞,死套語法,而是要明白所學語言所蘊含的文化與精神。要了解所學語言的生活習俗、社會背景等,這樣才能從中汲取營養,尤其是在日常環境、母語充斥的社會背景之中,平時思想交流、語言表達很少用外語的情況下,如何擺脫自己已有的思維方式,如何靈活運用兩種語言,這對一個初學者來說是很難達到的境界,有些同學翻譯時對號入座,如學習“現在進行式”時,他們竟把“下雨啦”漢譯英譯成了“It's raining la”。這也不怪這些初學者,因為漢語中沒有“時態”這一說法,出現這種情況,是對英漢兩種語言一些表達上的分別不了解,如:有一句“Help, Help, I can't get down.”,他直譯成了“我不能下來。 ”,實為“我下不來了”,再如“Where's my pen? I can't find it .”應譯為“我找不到它”,有些同學則死譯為“我不能找到它。” 初學者往往“英文沒有學好,中文卻學壞了”。如何解決這些問題呢?筆者認為應從以下幾方面著手: 一) 紮實學好知識,準確掌握詞義         準確掌握各種詞、詞組及外形相似的詞、詞組的意義,是 做好翻譯的基礎 ,不容忽視。如果對詞及詞組的意義的用法不求甚解,模棱兩可,則很容易犯錯。如:“He can speak English in a fashion.“應譯為:“他能馬馬虎虎講點英語”,但有些學生則譯成:“他講的英語很時髦”。他們不清楚in fashion不等於in a fashion,有時同一個名詞前面有無冠詞或有不同的冠詞意義截然不同。英語的某些句子看上去非常相似,其實總是有一點不同,可能是句中多了一個小小的冠詞,也可能是某些相同的詞由於在句中所處的位置不同而使得意義驟變。而這些句子最易使初學者難以察覺,致使理解錯誤, 翻譯 錯誤。如:   ...

Read This Before Expanding Your Business Globally - Hiring the Right Translation Company

Read This Before Expanding Your Business Globally - Hiring the Right Translation Company The world has become a smaller place, businesses go around the world seeking for potential clients country by country for which employing a translation service becomes more and more common and important. Some People have tried to translate / localize their marketing documents themselves or using some free translation software like Google translate, they might be excited at first as they might think learning a foreign language has never been so easy until they found their sales dropped greatly. People tend to have a wrong mind of how English has "widely" been used as the "international language" but in fact it is not. There are still lots of countries not using English as their "commercial" language and these countries are accounted for almost half of the world's population. Therefore, to conduct any businesses in these parts of world, you will always need the...

孫子兵法36計 中英翻譯本

孫子兵法 36 計  中英翻譯本 今天我們分享一下,古代中國孫子兵法的三十六計英文 翻譯 版,此文以三十六計英文、中文對照 翻譯 ,以供有興趣研究此 短語詞彙 的朋友們參閱。此篇分為勝戰計、敵戰計、攻戰計、混戰計、並戰計、敗戰計來說明。    勝戰計 1. 瞞天過海: crossing the sea under camouflage 2. 圍魏救趙: relieving the state of Zhao by besieging the state of Wei 3. 借刀殺人: killing someone with a borrowed knife 4. 以逸待勞: waiting at one's ease for the exhausted enemy 5. 趁火打劫: plundering a burning house 6. 聲東擊西: making a feint to the east and attacking in the west    敵戰計 7. 無中生有: creating something out of nothing 8. 暗渡陳倉: advancing secretly by an unknown path 9. 隔岸觀火: watching a fire from the other side of the river 10. 笑裡藏刀: covering the dagger with a smile 11. 李代桃僵: palming off substitute for the real thing 12. 順手牽羊: picking up something in passing    攻戰計 13. 打草驚蛇: beating the grass to frighten the snake 14. 借屍還魂: resurrecting a dead soul by borrowing a corpse 15. 調虎離山: luring the tiger out of his den 16. 欲擒故縱: letting the enemy off in order to catch him ...


翻譯種類和外事翻譯的特點 1 、翻譯活動的範圍很廣。就其 翻譯 方式來說,有漢語譯成外語(簡稱“漢譯外”)和外語譯成漢語(簡稱“外譯漢”)兩種。就其工作方式來說,有口頭翻譯(簡稱“口譯”, interpretation )和筆頭翻譯(簡稱“筆譯”, translation )之分。口譯包括交替傳譯(簡稱“交傳”, consecutive interpretation )和同聲傳譯(簡稱“同傳”, simultaneous interpretation 或 conference interpretation )兩種。就其程度而言,可分為全文翻譯( full tr​​anslation )和部分翻譯( partial translation ),如摘譯。上述各種翻譯既有共同之處,又各有其特點。 外事翻譯的內容主要是在各種外交、外事場合上口頭和會面的講話和文件。在外事場合,口、筆譯往往同時使用。如建交談判、關於國際公約的談判,都要求譯員既能口譯,又能將所談的內容和結果落實到文字上,成為公報、公約、條約備忘錄、協議等。有時是先口譯,再寫出文件。有時則在講話、演講前已把稿件譯好,再到現場作口譯。 外事翻譯的內容決定了它具有別於其他領域翻譯的特點:首先,外事翻譯政治性和政策性強。無論是口譯,還是筆譯,外事翻譯的內容多是國家的立場、政策。稍有差錯,就可能影響到一個國家的政治、經濟利益、形象、聲譽、地位及其國際關係等,就可能給國家和人民造成無可挽回的損失。其次,外事翻譯的時效性強。口譯工作的最大特點是時間緊,要求譯員當場完成翻譯過程。筆譯也往 往有時限要求。有時前台在與某國談判建交問題,後台同時在翻譯建交公報,隨時根據前台的談判情況進行修改,隨時打出譯本交予前台使用。很多時候在領導人出訪前不久,才把出訪時要用的講話稿交給譯員去翻,並要求在短時間內完成翻譯定稿、打字、校對等多道程序。有時國家領導人參加國際性首腦會議,在開會現場根據會議進程和情況親自手寫即席發言稿或修改事先草擬的發言稿,寫完立即從會場傳出來由在場外的筆譯員譯成外語後,交給會場上的同聲傳譯譯員的手中。一段這些翻譯都是尚未正式發表的講話稿及其他文件,決不應該向外界透露文件內容。 2 、外事筆譯是指書面 翻譯 。外事筆譯的內容主要是各種外交、外事場合的講話稿, 如在國際會議上的講話...